Evaluation In this evaluation, I will explain the research I have done for my photography project in unit 5, as well as referring to techniques, technology and practical projects used and needed throughout this process. Firstly, the genre that I was interested in and chose is abstract, portraiture and fine art. The reason why I chose this genre is because Elodie introduced me to David La Chapelle’s work, and I really liked the idea/concept of how he mixes art with photography and created this unique installation. Also the colors used in his work are very powerful and strong. I have done plenty of researches and look at different photographers’ work and throughout my findings, I realised how much I am drawn into and like the idea of combining art and more specifically art into photography. The theme that I have chosen is ‘ representation of brightness and darkness of the problems in contemporary societies around the world ’ on many levels from: people, wars, knife crime, violenc...