
Showing posts from October, 2018

settings: white balance & iso

What is white balance? White balance is the process of correcting or removing color casts in a photo so that colors appear true-to-life and accurate. If you don’t correct for white balance incorrectly set, the photos will appear tinted yellow, blue, green, orange. Color temperatures range from cool (blue tint) to warm (orange tint). Using the right white balance setting will eliminate unwanted color casts that can ruin your image and make it appear unnatural. A scenario would be to take a photo of a food dish in the studio and adjust the white balance in order to get the correct color. What is ISO in photography ? ISO simply stands for the International Organization of Standardization, which is the main governing body that standardises sensitivity ratings for camera sensors. Iso is a setting on the camera that  measures the sensitivity of the camera, this means determine how well exposed a photo will be by changing the sensitivity therefore how bright or dark the...

Evaluation of tasks


Cinematography tasks


screenplay- the house of shadows


lighting set up notes

Infinity lighting - form part of the think high key photography  High key is when the photo is very light and there are no shadows visible. The purpose of it is to completely make the backdrop white, making it look fruolescent Lamp mode should be switched up, lamp level switched up and beep switched down. The last switch should be on off (or at least with the model lighting) 4 lights. The first 2 lights you use to light the backdrop and only that. 45 degree angle pointing towards the backdrop. Turn them on and put them on the highest setting (6). You do not want the lights to come back from the backdrop onto the model, hair, face. This means that the model is too close to the lights. Place one of the white canvases next to the lights so that they do not interfere with the model.  Model lights should be pointing towards the model and they should be on light setting number 2. Projection photography - when using the projector to project ...

photography Research

I am open to all types and styles of photography, I love experimenting. But the types I would be interested in are: Projection photography Abstract photography Gel light photography Fashion photography Lighting set ups

F stops / aperture

F stops / aperture F, 1.8 , 2.8 , 4 , 5.6 , 8 , 11 , 16 ,32 1.8 to 8 = more light through the lens (wider aperture) 8 to 32 = less light (smaller aperture) Controls the amount of light that travels through the lens E.g; day light, artificial light , flash ext Shutter speeds: ⅛ , 1/15, 1/30   1/60 , 1/125 , 1/250. 1/500 ⅛ to 1/60 = Slow shutter speed (Blurring) 1/60 to 1/500 = Fast shutter speed (to capture movement) This controls how fast or slow light travels through the lens Shallow depth of field; When the foreground is in focus and the background is out of focus (depth of field starts at F8) Depth of field: When foreground is in focus as well as the background F stops / aperture F: 1.8 , 2.8 , 4 , 5.6 , 8 , 11 , 16 ,32     ½, ¼, ⅛ , 1/15 , 1/30, 1/60 , 1/125,1/250, 1/500 To get shallow depth of field: Decrease aperture and increase shutter speed   Modes on Nikon camera: M - Manual A - Aperture...

Get Out Clip


Cinematography: Get Out Analysis



I like this picture because of the close up that the photographer has used to express/show feeling, this also highlights the model’s facial features.  The black and white background connotes and emphasizes how the model might feel. The use of micro framing is what stands out  for me in this picture, by zooming into the apple  this allows me to see every detail of the apple so I like it for that reason.   I like this picture simply because of the Canted angle that the photographer has used to take the picture, it gives the effect that model is walking the walls when he’s not.  

Genre Induction

What is fashion photography? Fashion photography is one genre of photography which is devoted to showcasing clothing and other fashion items What is editorial photography? Editorial photography is usually meant to be alongside text and can cover a variety of subjects. Therefore editorials are used to  illustrate a story, article, text or an idea within the context of a magazine or to exaggerate a certain theme with the use images. What is commercial photography? Commercial photography is a genre of photography that is used for commercial purposes for example business use, sales and for money. Commercial usually related with adverts, billboards, pitches etc.   


Teamwork In terms of teamwork, I felt we worked very well as a group because we managed to all communicate with each other’s concerning our ideas and the way we vision the outcome of our advert. Everyone were happy to share their knowledge and skills on a photographic, filming and editing aspect. When I needed help they all assisted me nicely and vice versa. Skills (software / Photoshop / new techniques) Although I discovered and learnt about Photoshop for the first time last year, I feel I was able to use the skills from last year to work on my poster advert but my peer Serkan taught me new things such as this new tool called magnetic lasso tool so I could use it to do what I wanted. My others peers also very helpful. I didn’t know about this and the potential effect of it. Those tools gave me the possibility to create my poster the way I pictured it in my mind and the same thing apply to editing as to première pro. I knew very little about première pro and what I kne...


Working in the Industry

PROS OF FREELANCE: You have the time to work whenever you want. Freelancing means that you can work better in any hour of the day from early to late into night. You have control of your freedom of adjusting your work schedule to fit your best and most productive times, as well as having the flexibility to schedule timings that does not affect your day to day life. There is control over clients and jobs. You do not need to have a fixed contract to work with someone else, you have to choose who you would want to work with, and pick jobs in environments that suit you. Flexibility You do not need to be stuck in a office when it comes to freelancing, from studio to outdoors. That's the pros of it, you can travel and go places that fit your mood, theme and concept. As well as the notion that you can work your own hours. Experience The main advantage of freelance is that you can develop and gain skills through work experience that would benefit you in the future. ...

Print Advert
