
Showing posts from September, 2018

tester print advert

The elements I feel I could have improve upon were the composition of my  model, the image could have been larger to avoid the negative space. Also the colour of her jump clashes with the other colours and my accuracy with the 'quick selection' tool could have been more precise.  I could have not included the bottle in the original image, making it easier to add the bottle in PhotoShop. I do really like the shadowing around my subject as it matches the logo.  I like the simplicity of the poster and the use of the hashtag from the products logo.

Demographics: audience profile

OUR TARGET AUDIENCE •the most common target audience for hair gel's are middle aged (16 - 20+) men who stylise their hair in many different varieties. •the most popular country's who uses hair gel's are US , UK and Asia.   Related image   Benjamin - One of our target audience is a middle aged man who lives in the US and also works for the ARUP company and when he tested the PROFESSIONAL SEBASTIAN product he was very pleased with how the hair gel has kept his hair still in many different occasions where he needed to look smart. one of his comments was : " I want the hair products i'm using to keep my hair steady but also I don't want my hair to get damaged because I've used many hair products and I've recently realised my hair became much stiffer which makes it harder for me to brush my hair. Image result for 18 yr old boy Lewis - another target audience of ours is the 18 year old Lewis who still studies and wants to keep a neat ...


Psychographics Mainstreamers - This tends to be the largest as it has the traits are the most common.  They stick to the brands they know, and don't like to try things they are unfamiliar with. Aspiers - Younger people tend to fit into this group, as they are conscious of their image, fashion and current trends.  They seek status and are willing to change things about themselves in order to meet expectation. Succeeders -  Mainly consisting of managers and professionals. They can be very assertive and have goals they seek to achieve.  They prefer to be in control and sometimes feel the deserve the things they get. Resigned- Explorers- Strugglers- Reformers-

Primary Research

From our primary research we discovered that most people use hair gel or hair products in their  hair. On average people spend 10- 15 minutes styling their hair. A majority of our participants use hair gels with natural products such as coconut oil, argan oil etc. Most of the research agrees that hair products are reliable and they live up to their standards. Our participants from both our online and print survey have heard about  Eco styler and Schwarzkopf through friends and family and TV ads.  From our research people would much prefer free samples and In-store advertisements to encourage them to buy hair gel. On that note we have decided as a group to continue further with Schwarzkopf got2b freeze gel.

secondary research for hair gel advert

secondary research for hair gel ad What it is? It is a jelly like substance used in styling person’s hair. It comes in traditional gel consistency, liquid consistency or a spray. How is it made? It is manmade or can be made in factory. How to make your homemade hair gel: ·        Add the gelatine to the warm water and stir until fully dissolved ·        You add more or less gelatine depending on how you want it. Less gelatine means less ‘hold’ ·        Place the mixture in the fringe for 3-4 hours to set. ·        Mix in a few drops of your favourite essential oils and mix it up well. Who uses it? Hair gel is a hairstyling product that is used to harden hair into a particular hairstyle and used mainly by men but women use it too. What is its history? Ancient Egyptian mummies has shown that they style thei...

photography studio induction notes




Pitching idea for hair gel advert

pre-production: Schedule

Friday 28th September:  Go into photography room and take shots and close ups of our product for print ad. Photography Studio booked- Friday  28th September   Thursday 4th Oct: Editing final pieces of the advert day  Monday 1st October: Recording with camera, close up shots of models. Tuesday 2nd Oct: In theatre recording walk ins and shots of model for ad. Wednesday 3rd Oct: In television studio, using lights and shooting various scenes for ad.  Also editing it and downloading videos.   Thursday 4th Oct: Editing final pieces of the advert

Drake Sprite: The Spark Tv advert analysis

Drake Sprite Advert Analysis Persuasive methods; The first persuasive is Experts , the 'sprite drink' have used Drake as an representation of the infamous fizzy drink, it shows drake drinking the drink and being motivated to start new music, this attracts the audience's eye as Drake is a well known worldwide artist, and therefore this helps promote the product more and gain more attraction as the audience would be interested in purchasing the drink as Drake showed in the advert that it is a refreshing drink and is his favourite which helps the audience (who see drake as their idol) be more attracted as the actions and what 'idols' drink, wear and do, people love to repeat it so they can be like them. In terms of mise en scene Drake is in the studio, and this shows the audience that he is a famous musician, he uses a mic but before he starts the rap, he picks up the product which is a sprite drink, then continues to rap into the mic. Cinematography -...

Heinz Ketchup Advert Analysis.

Heinz ketchup print advert Analysis When you’re having steak or fish and chip you don’t just have it dry, do you? No of course! Especially not when you have the option of adding a tasty good old heinz ketchup.   The point of focus is the bottle of ketchup and that fact the bottle made out of the main ingredient that is in ketchup makes it more interesting  to look at for audience, instead of a boring bottle of heinz ketchup that lack creativity. In terms of composition the placement of the product is centered and the typography/slogan is below the ketchup, by looking at the creative heinz ketchup bottle the audience can easily see the logo. Regarding the light in the advert it is shined on to the product to give it a light beam effect from the right with a shadow underneath to uplift the product and give it a lot of attention to the audience. The colour of the bottle is a juxtaposition to the typography as the background is red and the writing is in w...

Amy's Lesson- O2 Tv ad notes


Scott's Lesson- Semiotics Notes


Persuasive Methods

Coke Zero Advert Analysis

 Coke Zero Advert Analysis Coca cola is a well-known brand, not only in the UK but all over the world. For that reason, the logo has become a universal symbol so when a Coca-Cola advert comes on we all know that it is Coke. Shot type/angle The shot type used in this advert is a wide shot, the reason being is so that the audience can see the surroundings, to make the audience feel as though they are there. The angle is slightly low and because the musician is looking down navigates the audience’s eye to the guitar and then from the guitar to the Coke bottle. Composition/Focus In terms of composition, the fact that they put it on the top left side of the screen so whenever your eyes drift away from the man in the shot, your eyes will be drawn back to the logo. The bottle being more prominent catches your eye more. The fact that they’ve used high depth of field to make the model blurry makes the bottle more prominent also. Lighting Shooting in a dark envi...